Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ugh, was that a Mack truck?

Wowie, this flu season is a doozy. We've managed to stay healthy since the Spring, but going to a Christmas party with 300+ people in a cramped, poorly ventilated space was a breeding ground for trouble. And of course, it happened. Now the only one of us not sick is Jon. How did HE manage to skip it? HUH?

Did anyone catch the plate numbers on that truck that ran over our family? Oh....there it is..... - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more


Unknown said...

mmm . . .I'd be suspect of the flu, given your delicate condition. However, since EVERYBODY was down . . .

{chuckle!} get it out of the way now, chickie! :)

smooth sailing from here, right?? :)

MamaBugs said...

And still you keep your sense of humor! Hope you are feeling 100% soon!

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