Monday, September 14, 2009

Long time, no blog!

Oh my, what a busy, busy, BUSY couple of months I've had...and to think that most of it was spent sitting on my duff trying (in vain, I might add) to "relax". HA!


I am attempting to convince hubby to move this puter downstairs into our schoolroom so on the rare occasion I *do* catch a free moment while little ones are sleeping, quiet, and working on seatwork or a project, well then maybe, just MAYBE I can catch up on my emailing or blogging!? He's not convinced. Why? Well, he likes the puter in our bedroom, and he doesn't have an issue in the slightest with finding free time for his own puter needs when he's buried in his CAVE....see?
Anyhoo....if I had the puter downstairs, I'd be much more likely to find the time to do even quickie blog entries, and I'm finding that with the life I've got now, I really NEED that few minutes of brain-downloading to regain my sanity. I guess it's just not a priority to SOME people to have Mom sane....

Okay, I know some of you are probably getting really tired of me not updating with our news, so here's the big announcement. Kasey Lee was born by c-section on August 5th--she weighed 8lbs, 7oz, and was 21 inches long. Our biggest yet! She also sported a full head of dark, dark brown hair--truly a shock to Mom, Dad, Grandmas, sisters, pretty much everyone! She sure does stand out in this family full of toeheaded girlies! Here's a three-ish week-old pic:

I've got a lot more pics to upload, a ton of stuff to blog about, and hundreds of other things...but right now, my five minutes of puter time is up, as I'm being summoned by a little squealing thing who is not so happy that Mom put her down! How dare I...


Sheri said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations! glad to know you are still out there and look forward to more updates! Blessings-

Kathleen said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful! And doesn't hubby know the saying "If Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy"? :)

Qtpies7 said...

I just love sharing a birthday with her!!! She is such a qtpie! Love the hair, too.

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