Sunday, September 21, 2008


This picture pretty much sums up the last few days. Yes, I finally gave in and took Pete's advice to "GO TO THE DOCTOR ALREADY!!" and came home with half the pharmacy, a nice IV hole in my left wrist, and a diagnosis--bronchitis and severe dehydration. I'm not so sure I believe the severe dehydration part, tho. The doc based it on some test called 'tilts' where they take your blood pressure and pulse laying down, sitting up, and then standing. It's supposed to stay roughly the same, but my vitals were all over the place. It was the same after two bags of IV it is most likely because of a fever that will NOT go away. In fact, said fever actually went from 101.7 to 103.3 while I was getting the IV, so, doesn't fit.

At any rate, I'm still coughing, albeit a lot less with this fascinating cough syrup they gave me that resembles radioactive snot (and probably doesn't taste much different, I would venture to guess) but happens to be a narcotic that blocks the brain's reflex signal to cough. OOOOOH, I love this stuff. Hate the taste, love the effect. After coughing nonstop for nearly four days, after fifteen minutes, I was able to get some relief--and I could practically hear the Hallelujah Chorus coming from my abdominal muscles! Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be getting truly "better" even on the antibiotics, so as the doctor suspected, it's likely viral. FUN. Oh well, at least I have my icky cough syrup and some mucinex (WONDERFUL stuff!) to ease the strain on me as my body tries to figure out how to fight it. Now if this fever would go away and stay away, I'd be thrilled!


Anonymous said...

paging through the blogs - hope you feel better! And YES, go to the DOCTOR, take your meds, lots of fluids. Sounds like a lot of people are counting on you!

HANA said...

hi there!

nice blog..and yet some information are useful too..

Leah said...

Whoa girl! That's a lot of medicine. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel with my run with this gunk. I wish I'd got some of that cough medicine though. All that coughing is just wonderful for the vocal chords!
Hope you feel much better soon!

Stonefox said...

My goodness! I thought you would be better by now instead of still running a fever! I'm glad you went to the doctor. Now make sure you find the time to fit in taking all that medicine! :) Hope you are better soon.

Qtpies7 said...

Uff da! That is quite the pharmacy there!
Yep, my dreams STILL resemble being on your cough meds, lol. They keep coming, stranger and stranger.

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