Since I can't handle the thought of (ugh) "replacing" Murphy with another kitten for a while, Kelsey thought that the next best thing would be a rabbit. I'm not real sure WHY she thought this, other than the cute and fluffy factor. Anyway, we have had this rabbit for a week or so now. The poor thing still has no real name, because Kelsey can't decide on anything that the little girls can say. She wanted to name her Nezzer (think Veggie Tales, Mr. Nezzer..."The bunny, the bunny, WOAH, I love the bunny..."), but Morgan and Jamie just kept calling her "lizard". So she thought Happy would be a good fit, as Kelsey loves the sarcastic Happy Bunny, but the girls just keep calling her Bunny, so who knows? This critter may never be named!
Yesterday, as Jamie was 'talking' with Grandma on the phone, the subject of the bunny came up. Grandma asked "Jamie, do you have a new bunny at your house?" Jamie's immediate but cool-as-a-cucumber anwser had us all in stitches for hours...
"No, we ate her all gone."
Oh, and Kelsey and Jon decided last night that the bunny's name may need to be "Stew"!
How adorable!
Ok.. I have to add something else here after catching up on all your recent posts. I just did not realize it had been so long since you guys were here. I still have a wallet pic of Jon and Kelsey and they can't be more than 8-9 and 6-7, or maybe even younger! Where does the time go?? Really enjoyed your "How they've grown" posts.
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